Blue Heaven Vidyalya is a co-educational, private school established on July 1988. It is a senior secondary school which offers affordable holistic development for your child. The school has a stimulating curriculum and supportive environment which ensures all-round development of children. Besides, scholastic knowledge and personal growth, complete focus is lent on value based development of children. The school got CBSE affiliation in 2008. It is the duty of the school to ensure that positive value addition is made in personality of children and therefore it takes utmost pride in building confident, independent, enthusiastic, inquisitive and responsible citizens of the society.
A The school is firm believer of the fact that elementary school years are the most formative years in life of a child. It is in these early years that a child can develop intellectual apathy or curiosity. The school has small student teacher ratio so that students get maximum attention and nurturing in these formative years. It prepares the students for success both individually and academically. The mission of the school is to provide a positive and wholesome learning environment to the children.